Shinn Custom Woodworks

PO Box 803
Plains, Montana 59859 United States


About me and my Furniture Business- Welcome to Shinn Custom Woodworks and thank you for visiting. I would like to introduce myself and my custom art furniture business to you . My name is Bruce Shinn and I build unique, one of a kind and very limited production furniture for the discriminating home owner, business person and art collector. My furniture is hand-crafted in my shop in a rural area of western Montana and shipped to customers around the world. All my furniture is built as functional art from only the finest materials. My background includes over 20 years of experience working with wood and a short time working as a machinist. I also have a degree in Forest Management from the University of Montana and work as a Private Forestry Consultant, specializing in landowner assistance. Working as a professional forester and seeing the natural resource end of the wood products industry adds an appreciation and unique understanding to my woodworking. I am very enthusiastic about designing and building unequaled pieces that will show off the natural color, texture and beauty of the wood I am using. My furniture is built using only quality materials and the finest craftsmanship to insure a lifetime (and more) of use and enjoyment. Using different woods in combinations, inlays, hand rubbed finishes, natural colors and graceful lines are attributes I like to build into my pieces. My furniture is not built in any one style, other than under a rather broad interpretation of contemporary. I appreciate many styles of furniture and find inspiration from great masters, such as Maloof, Krenov, Nakashima, Frid, Stockdale and many other contemporary artists. Through the years my style of furniture continues to evolve as I learn new techniques and experiment with different woods. I will always be a student in my desire to create beautiful pieces in wood. In recent years, I have expanded my wood selection to include exotic and lesser known species of wood imported from worldwide sources. Expansion of the global market place and concern over environmental issues in the tropics has made some very beautiful and interesting lesser known species of wood available to woodworkers. As a Forester I am concerned about the condition of our forests and the tropical rain forests. By staying informed on the issues and utilizing the Certified Forest Products Council resources, I am able to choose wood suppliers that favor plantation grown or sustainable yield sources...

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